Question and Answer


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Qs: Assalamalikum Maulana sahib, what you think about life insurance ?

Walaikumus Salam !

In regards to your question, plz note that
Life Insurance is not permissible from Islamic point of view. Because there is involvement of giving life guarantee, Bai Gharar (Uncertainty), Gambling and interest part involved in its agreement and transaction.
And all these types of transactions are strictly forbidden in Islam.

24 thoughts on “Question and Answer”

  1. Q :
    Assalamo-alaikum Mufti sahib.
    Can a woman recites Qur’an, while she is impure. Please guide us about this Masla.

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !
    In regards to your question, plz note that if a person (man or woman) is impure, and Taking Bath becomes wajib (obligatory) on him/her. It is not allowed to recite Holy Qur’an. It is completely forbidden. Unless he/she is reciting verses of Dua mentioned in Qur’an like

    -Ayatul Kursi…
    آیۃ الکرسی

    -Rabbana Aatina fid dunya Hasanah ….
    ربنا آتنا فی الدنیا حسنۃ و ۔۔۔۔

    -Rabbij Alni Muqeemsas Salati wa Min ……
    رب اجعلنی مقیم الصلواۃ ۔۔۔۔۔

    Reciting these Kind of verses are OK and allowed (where words of Dua are involved).

    But on the other side, because most of the Muslims are not the experts to figure out or differenciate these kind of Verses from the Holy Quran. So it is better to avoid reciting verses completely unless a person is expert of Dua verses.

    Most importantly, it is strongly adviced that you get your body clean by taking bath/shower as soon as possible.And Don’t delay a bath. Remember, unnecessary delaying in taking Wajib Bath is also considered a Sin in Islam.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  2. Q :
    Assalamualaikum Mufti SHB
    I have a bad habbit of smoking all the time. I want to know, Does smoking breaks your Wudu.
    I also heard that if you smoke, your Namaz (prayer) is not valid. Is that True ? Can you pls answer these questions.

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !
    In regards to your questions, plz note, smoking / ciggerate does not break your Wudu. And if you do smoke, it does not invalidate your prayer either.
    But it’s always recommended to clean your mouth before praying. As it is considered Makrooh to offer prayer with a bad smelly mouth.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  3. Qs:
    Assalamalikum Maulana sahib, what you think about life insurance ?

    Walaikumus Salam !

    In regards to your question, plz note that
    Life Insurance is not permissible from Islamic point of view. Because there is involvement of giving life guarantee, Bai Gharar (Uncertainty), Gambling and interest part involved in its agreement and transaction.
    And all these types of transactions are strictly forbidden in Islam.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  4. Qs :
    Assalamo akykum.
    For optional fasting in Ashura, does it has to be two consecutive dates i.e. Muharram 9 and 10 or Muharram 10 and 11?

    Can a person fast 9th and 11th day if cannot do on 10th due to dental appointment bc water goes in mouth?

    Is it necessary to fast 2 days in Ashura or it is ok to fast 1 day due to medical or other unavoidable circumstances?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    There is a great reward of fasting on the day of Ashura (10th of Muharram). It is counted as the Sunnah of Holy Prophet peace be upon him.

    As per the Sunnah of Prophet peace be upon him, it is required to fast for two consecutive days on Ashura.
    For e-g:
    9th and 10th of Muharram (preferable)
    10 and 11th of Muharram.

    The main fast of Ashura is 10th of Muharram. Not 9th or 11th.
    If you fast only on 9th or 11th, that will be counted only a Nafl Fast, Not the Sunnah fast.

    But If you could fast only one day (10th of Muharram), that is also valid and still have great reward but you will miss the Sunnah part.

    Note :
    (Just for your knowledge, some scholars don’t recommend to fast only for one day, the 10th of Muharram until you really have a geniun (medical or other) excuse).

    I hope that answer your questions.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  5. Importance of the Day of Ashura (10th of Muharram):

    As Narrated by Abdullah Ibn Abbas rt:

    -Before the fasting of the month of Ramadhan, when it became obligatory, Fast on the 10th of Muharram was counted as mandatory for Muslims.

    – Sahaba ra asked about 10th of Muharram (day of Ashura), does Ashura has Fazeelat on all other days? He replied, Yes. And

    -Allah swt has created Earths and Heavens on this day of Ashura

    -Mountains, Oceans, Loh, Qalam, and Jannah were also created on that day.

    -Prophet Adam pbuh was created on that day

    -He was sent in the Heaven on this Day

    – His Taubah was accepted on this same day

    – Prophet Ibrahim pbuh was born on that day and on that day, fire was made cool-down for him

    – Pharoh of Prophet Musa alaihis salam got drowned on that day

    -Prophet Moosa alaihis salam and his nation Bani Israiel got rescued from the Zulm of Pharoh on the same day

    -Prophet Ayub alaihis salam got health on this same day

    – Prophet Dawood alaihis salam was granted forgiveness on the same day

    -The Entire Kingdom was handed over to Prophet Suleman alaihis salam on this day

    -Prophet Isa (Jesus) alaihis salam was also born on this day.

    In another version of a Hadith, it is said, that day of Judgment will be established on this day too. It will be 10th of Muharram, Friday and ASR time.

  6. According to Muhadditheen :

    Based on Islamic teachings, Almighty Allah swt has given Ten special attributes to this Ummah. Which are as follows:

    – This Ummah was given the month of Rajab. Which was made as the month of honour and higher status. The attribute / value of this month over the other months is like the Value of this Ummah over the others.

    – Secondly, this Ummah was given the month of Shabaan. Its value as compare to other months is like the value / higher status of Our Belived Propeht peace be upon him over the other Prophets and Messengers pbut

    – Thirdly it was given the month of Ramadhan and it’s value / Fazeelat over the other months is like the Value / status of Almighty Allah over his entire creation

    – Fourth is the Laylatul Qadr, (which is granted to this Ummah), which is superior than 1000 nights

    -Fifth is the day of Fitr (The eid day), which is considered the day of Reward

    – Sixth is the days of Zulhijjah (first 10 days), which are counted the days of Ibadah and Zikr of Almighty Allah.

    -Seventh is the day of Arafah. Fasting on that day is the kAffarah for two years sins

    – Eighth is the day of Nahr (Sacrificing)

    -Ninth is the day of Juma (Friday). Which is assigned as the leader of all days

    -Tenth is the day of Ashura. And Fasting on that day is the kaffarah for one year sins.

  7. Qs :
    Assalamualaikum Dear Maulana Uzair Shb, I have a question,
    Is it allowed to wear black clothes especially in the days of Muharram.

    Ans :

    From Islamic Perspective, It is allowed to wear black clothes at any time of the year. But never relate it or associate any color with any belief or on any special occasion. Then it won’t be allowed.

    Some people consider it mandatory to wear black dress, when there is a time of grief or sadness. Like upon the death of some one in the family or specially, they wear it in the month of Muharram. These thoughts and believes are not correct.

    We can’t and are not allowed to specify the color of any dress code with any special time or any incident.

    In short, black dress is allowed to wear in any time of the year. There are no restrictions in Islam. In fact, It is also proven from Holy Prophet peace be upon him, that he did wear black clothes in his life too. So there is No harm.

    Hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  8. Qs :
    Assalamoalaikum –
    Dear Maulana Sahib
    I could not pray Eid Prayer due to some delay. One brother had informed me that because you didn’t pray Eid Salat, that’s why, your Qurbani will not be valid either. I am very sad since then. Pls inform, Is that true or not ?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam Brother !

    As Eid Prayer and Qurbani are counted Wajib acts of Islam. And According to some Fuqahah/Imams, Eid Prayer is a Sunnah act. Besides, this Eid Prayer has nothing to do with your Qurbani action either. That is totally a separate Act.

    Certainly, if you miss either one intentionally without a legitimate/genuine excuse/reason, you would be hold responsible for it on the day of Judgment.

    In your case, as you had shared, you don’t have to worry about your Qurbani Act at all. It is counted Valid and performed from Shari’ah perspective.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  9. Qs :
    Assalmoakykum Mufti sahib.
    For a woman to go Hajj or Umrah, is it required that she go only with a Mohram i.e. husband, brother, father, nephew, etc.?
    I heard Saudi Arabia has already removed this condition.

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    In regards to your question, plz note that a woman must perform her Hajj with her Mehram. It’s a condition and mandatory requirement. This Mehram Condition, helps her to be saved and protected from different kinds of Fitnas, which ate normally present around a woman.

    Note :
    If there is No Mehram available, then a woman can travel for Hajj along with the company of a group of other trustworthy women, who are traveling with their Mehram.
    (This is an Opinion of Imam Shafi rehmatullahi alaihi)

    Besides, I have no idea yet, on what basis, this present Saudi Government has lifted this condition of traveling with Mehram.

    But on the other side, if a woman goes to perform her Hajj with out her Mehram. Her Hajj will be valid but she will be committing a major sin for not following this Mehram’s condition as set by Islam. She has to pay her Dam (Penalty of slaughtering a goat or sheep as a compensation) as well. This is the Fatwa according to Imam Abu Hanifa rt.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  10. Qs :
    Assalamualaikum Mufti sahib,
    Is it OK to donate Qurbani amount to poor people around you. If I do that, Do I still need to do Qurbani ?

    Ans :
    Walaikums Salam !

    It is not allowed to donate your Qurbani amount to poor. If you do that, it will be counted a charity to poor. This act will not compensate the Qurbani Amal (act) on your behalf then.

    Plz remember, Qurbani is a Wajib act on every Muslim, who has financial resources (Nisaab) / amount. If that’s the case in your scenario then it will still be due on your shoulder unless you perform that due Qurbani.

    Besides, Almighty Allah swt has opened hundred of other doors for you to help those poor and needy around you. Then why you want to help them through your Qurbani amount only ?

    But still, If some body does that, it means, he is fulfilling the way of his own desires and wishes to help those poor but NOT actually following the prescribed method and Orders of Allah swt.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  11. Qs:
    JazakaAllah Khair Maulana Uzair for your reply about my Aqeeqah Question. I highly appreciate your proper guidance in the light of Islamic teachings.
    Can you please share some of its importance and the reasons behind doing this Islamic Ritual.
    If I haven’t done Aqeeqah for my kids, can I donate that money to some poor on behalf of my kids ?

    *Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    *Importance of Aqeeqah in Islam :

    When parents are gifted and blessed by Almighty Allah with a baby boy or baby girl, they are ordered to thank Allah with some given prescribed method of ibadah.

    One of them is called doing an Aqeeqah for that Kid. It means slaughtering an Animal (one animal / share for baby girl and two animals /shares for a baby boy) and purely for the Sake of Allah swt and on behalf of that Infant. This process /ibadah is called Aqeeqah. This is instructed and advised by our Holy Prophet peace be upon him. It is his Sunnah as well.

    Aqeeqah shud be done on the 7th day or 14th or 21st day on the birth of that infant. If it can’t be done in these days then doing it any time during the life time of that kid would also be OK.

    Actually, This is an Islamic way to show your pleasure on this gift of child and thanking your Almighty Allah.

    *According to one Hadith:
    Hardships and Masaeb are removed from the life of this infant Becoz of the Barakah of Aqeeqah.

    Holy Prophet peace be upon him also did the Aqeeqah of Syedina Hassan rt and Syedina Hussain rt.

    Any animal, which can be slaughtered for Qurbani (goat, sheep, cow etc), can be slaughtered for the Aqeeqah as well.

    Besides, You can’t give money as a donation on behalf of your kids instead of doing his/her Aqeeqah. This will not fulfil the prescribed purpose of this certain Ibadah. But Yes , you can allocate some one to do Aqeeqah on behalf of your kids. This is allowed.

    I hope it answers all your questions.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  12. Qs :
    Maulana sahib.
    Assalam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah !
    Can you Please share the right method of doing a Qurbani ?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam

    The Masnoon (Sunnah) procedure and the attiqates of making a Qurbani are very simple, which are briefly as follows:

    Hadith :
    It is Reported by Umme Salma rt, that Rasulullah sallallahu alaihi wasallam said,
    One, who has intention of making Qurbani (sacrificing animal on Eid Ul Adha) must not cut his hair, nails after seeing the crescent of Zilhijjah (from the first day of Zilhijja) till his animal is sacrificed (on the 10th of Zilhijjah).
    (Reported in Muslim)

    The one who is not capable to do Qurbani, should also follow these Sunnah actions for the first ten days of Zilhijjah (not cutting his hair, nails etc)

    Attiqates For Qurbani :
    – First make sure, the cutting knife is properly Sharpened.

    Make that animal lay down on the ground (except camels, coz their slaughtering method is different),

    Make sure, it’s head is facing towards Baitullah (Kaaba),
    and then without any further delay, slaughter him quickly/fastly.

    Make sure all his throat vains are completely cut off.
    Then Let it bleed till the animal’s movement is completely stopped.
    And then proceed further (taking skin out, cutting the meat into peaces etc).

    Note :
    Plz make sure, the slaughtering person is a Muslim and he recites Takbeer (Bismillahi Allahu Akbar) while slaughtering.
    Otherwise, this Qurbani will not be valid.

    It is strongly recommended that one must slaughter his sacrificing animal with his own hands. But if it is not possible then any other Muslim can also help and do it on his behalf. He should make intention too that I am slaughtering this Qurbani animal on behalf of such and such person.

    Hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  13. Qs :
    Assalamualaikum Maulana sahib,
    can you pls explain on the requirements for the age or size of a lamb eligible for qurbani.?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    In regards to your question, plz find :

    The Valid Ages of the Qurbani’s Animals :

    Goat / Sheep :
    Must be 01 Year old.
    They are good for one share of Qurbani only

    Cow / Bull etc :
    Must be 02 Years Old.
    One cow is good for seven shares of Qurbani

    Camel :
    Must be five years old.
    It is good for seven shares of Qurbani

    Plz Note :
    All those, who are sharing Qurbani in an Animal, must pay only that amount, which is earned thru Halal Source only. Otherwise, no one’s Qurbani would be valid or acceptable.

    Hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  14. Qs :
    Assalamualaikum Maulana Uzair Sahib –
    Can you pls share. What is the significance and importance of Hajj in Islam ?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    First of all, Plz note That Hajj means, to See, or to Do the Ziarah (Seeing) of some thing.

    A Hajji makes the intention to do the Ziarah of Baitullah (house of Allah), that’s why, it is called Hajj.

    Importance of Hajj:
    Hajj is the fifth pillar of Islam and is an Obligatory Ibadah (act) of Islam. Which is due only once in a life time on those, who has financial resources to go all the way to Makkah and stay there for some certain time and also can take care the financial needs of his family behind until he returns. It is announced as an obligatory action of Islam in the year of 09 hijrah.

    وللہ علی الناس حج اللبیت من استطاع الیہ سبیلا۔ ومن کفر فان اللہ غنی عن العلمین ۔
    (آل عمران – آیۃ: 97)

    And Hajj is an obligatory (action) on mankind, for him who can find a way for it (capability). As for him who disbelieve, Then Allah swt is Independent (Ghani) from all worlds.

    Hajj reminds us the great services and sacrifices of Prophet Ibrahim peace be upon him, Bibi Hajirah a.s (his wife), and Prophet Ismael alaihis salam. (I am sure, you know their whole story).

    Basically, Hajj is to follow and to refresh that memory and remember their great services toward the obedience to the orders of Almighty Allah swt. In this Ibadah, we try to follow their footsteps.

    Reward :
    Hajj has great rewards too.

    As per the Hadith of Holy Prophet peace be upon him, A person (whose hajj is accepted) will be able to make Shafaat (intercession) for 400 people on the day of Judgment.

    In another Hadith , when a person performs his Hajj, he becomes free from sins like one day old born baby.
    ( Reported in Muslim)

    In Islam, all actions / Ibadah are of two types. Physical Ibadah and Financial Ibadah. Hajj is that Farz Ibadah , which covers both.

    I hope that covers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  15. Qs :
    AssalamuAlaikum Maulana saheb. I know a friend, who sends his Qurbani money to his poor relative back home every year. He also helps the poor relatives during the year w/ Zakat money. He thinks due to his intention of helping his relatives, his obligation of Qurbani is fulfilled w/ out even slaughtering an animal. Please validate his understanding. JazakaAllah

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    Qurbani is a Wajib act in the life of a Muslim, who has financial sources (Nisaab).

    But by helping poor and needy with this Qurbani amount (which has planned / kept to purchase Qurbani animal) does not compensate or complete that Wajib Amal.

    But still, if some one utilizes this amount to help poor, it means, he is fulfilling his own wishes and desires (Nafs) instead of fulfilling the given order of Allah.

    There are thousands of other ways, where we can help poor and needy (by charity, Zakat, services etc) and throughout the year,
    Allah swt has also clearly instructed us thru His Qur’an and Ahadith of Holy Prophet peace be upon him.

    This person will be hold responsible on the day of Judgment for not fulfilling the Wajib Qurbani order by Allah swt.

    Try to understand this concept thru an e-g.

    We all know, interest dealing is Haraam in Islam. It’s like having a war with Allah and His Prophet peace be upon him.

    Now if Some one comes and says, I know, Interest is Haraam. But I want to collect interest from the banks, and will donate that amount among poor and needy.

    Will Islam agree with his idea ?
    نعوذ باللہ
    Allah swt didn’t know these kind of ideas, but this today’s Muslim is so smart, intelligent and more sympathetic to poor and needy. He got the wisdom and now wants to utilize that interest money for helping poor.

    It’s a Major Sin in Islam and this person is clearly breaking the order of Almighty Allah. Even though it may sounds good that he is helping poor and needy. But basically, he is fulfilling his own wishes and desires and certainly NOT the order of Allah.

    E-g 02:
    Take one more example plz.

    We know,
    All Fard Prayers rakaat are fixed by Allah.

    If some one says that Today during my Asr Prayer, I would pray 06 Rakaat instead of 04. Coz today, I want to do more Recitation of Qur’an, more Ruku, More Sajdahs, More Tasbeeh etc.

    What do you think of this man? Is he doing a right Action ?

    Doesn’t he fulfill his own desires ?. (Even though, it may sounds good that there is more Ibadah, more ruku, more sujud etc).

    and Will he get any Ajar for offering this 06 or 08 rakaat Asr prayer ?

    Obviously NOT, coz we know, he is clearly breaking the order from his Lord.

    Plz note,
    Poor and Needy can be helped thru so many other possible and shown ways, if some one doesn’t have any available savings for this purpose then still, a person can :

    -Save some amount from his home’s weekly/monthly groceries spendings, from his luxury family vacations, having family dinners outside, from buying expensive gifts and toys for kids, from luxury furniture, appliances and equipments etc.
    And so on.

    All those spendings can be reduced to save some good amount and then he /she can easily help those poor and needy through it. And It will be more rewardable too.

    Why cutting and selecting that amount to help poor and needy, which is from the given obligatory Order / Ibadah of Allah.

    Hope the points are clear now. May Allah swt give us this ability to understand the orders of Islam and we do spend in His path as per His Demand and Orders. Ameen.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  16. Qs :
    Assalamualaikum Mufti Shb. I want to know,
    What’s the best way to deal with the Qurbani meat ?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam!

    In regards to your question, if you meant, how to distribute the Qurbani meat.

    Plz note a Hadith of Holy Prophet peace be upon him.

    Hadith :
    Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, “Eat (from the Qurbani meat), store some of it and give some of it in charity.”
    ( Reported in Muslim)

    According to Shariah, Qurbani meat is preferred to be distributed in three different part.

    First to keep it for your family.
    Second one to give it to Friends and Relatives
    Third one to Poor and Needy.

    But still, the whole share can be utilized by yourself,
    or the whole share can be given to friends and relatives only and even the whole share can be distributed among poor and needy only. There is No Harm in it.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  17. Qs: Assalamualaikum Mufti Uzair Albazi sahib ! Please guide,
    Can a person make intention for multiple people in one Qurbani for the deceased?

    Walaikumus Salam !
    In regards to your question, the answer is YES.
    One may make the intention of the Blessings (reward) going to multiple people in one Qurbani animal only if it is a Nafl (optional) Qurbani. Once, When Rasulullah Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam performed Qurbani, he did it with two animals. He slaughtered one animal as for his own Qurbani and the other as optional (Nafl) on behalf of his entire Ummah.

    This Qurbani is an act of great reward as mentioned in the following Hadith. So One must not skip this opportunity.

    Ummul Momineen Sayyidah Aisha Radiyallahu anha reported that Rasulullah Sallallahu alayhi wa sallam said, “There is nothing dearer to Allah during the days of Qurbani than the sacrificing of animals. The sacrificed animal shall come on the Day of Judgement with its horns, hair, and hooves (to be weighed on a person’s good deeds). The sacrifice is accepted by Allah before the blood reaches the ground. Therefore sacrifice with an open and happy heart.”
    (Reported in Tirmidhi)

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  18. Qs :
    السلام علیکم

    Molana sahib is qurbani okay if animal gets injured before the slaughtering. The farm where my friends are doing Qurbani, they first shots a caw with bullet and then allow you to slaughter it. If I am as Hanafi and a part of 7 persons for this cow, with such a process, is my Qurbani valid?


    *Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam Brother !

    In regards to your question, plz note that injured animal makes your Qurbani doubtful. It is strongly recommended to avoid it, if it is possible.

    But as some time, if it’s not possible to avoid it coz of the slaughtering system in North America. Then it’s OK to proceed with it as long as the animal is slaughtered right after and as per Islamic guidelines.

    Besides, plz reconfirm. Is that bullet is just an air bullet. Certainly it does not injure the animal then. So In that case, there is no Harm in your Qurbani process and your Qurbani is Ok and Valid from Shari’ah perspective.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  19. Qs :
    Dear Imam sahib, Assalamualaikum.
    Upon your last answer, some farm owners don’t tell the right age of animal. They means business and to gain profit only. Some times, they intentionally tell lies about the age of cattle. So What are the Islamic guidelines in such case ? Pls guide.
    Jazak Allah Khair

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam Brother !

    In regards to your question, this is totally a matter of trust. If you have trust on the seller, who says to you that this animal has reached to your required approved age (one year for goat and two years for cow or bill). Then you can just proceed with it. And leave the rest on Allah swt.

    Otherwise, you are allowed to use all available sorurces . Islam allows you to do that.

    May be you can take a help of an cattle expert while selecting or purchasing an animal for Qurbani purpose.

    If you don’t find any animal of your required approved age in your locality then you must contact those authorities, organizations, friends etc, who can take this responsibility to do Qurbani on your behalf. But it is not allowed in any case that you ever do the Qurbani of under age animal. it will not be valid then.

    I hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  20. Qs :
    Assalamualaikum Wa rehmatullahi wa barakatuhu Mufti sahib –
    Can I do an extra Qurbani on behalf of my parents or other close family members even though they are doing their own Qurbani ?

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    Yes, you can also do an extra Qurbani on behalf of your close family members even though they are doing their own Qurbani. But that would be counted as a Nafl Qurbani. They will also get more blessings coz the meat will be distributed among family members, friends and poor on their behalf.

    I Hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  21. Assalamualaikum

    Eid Mubarak to All
    کل عام و انتم بخیر

    Note :
    These are the Sunnah Actions on Eid ul Fitr Day. Plz do follow them as much as possible.

    – Waking up early in the morning on Eid Day

    – Paying Sadaqa tul Fitr before Eid Prayer

    -Taking a full Bath (Shower)

    – Making Miswaak

    – Wearing New or your best clothes

    – Using Attar (perfume)

    – Eating Dates (in odd quantity, – 1,3,5 etc)

    – Praying Eid Salat at Eid Gah (outside and in an open area)

    – Going towards Eid Prayer area on Foot (or as much as possible)

    – Going towards Eid Prayer area using one path, and coming back from the other path.

    – Saying Takbeerat in abundance on the way going towards Eid Prayer area

    Takbeerat :
    ( *اللہ اکبر،
    اللہ اکبر،
    لا الہ الا اللہ،
    *واللہ اکبر، اللہ اکبر،
    و للہ الحمد)*

    Regards & Jazakumullahu Khair

  22. Qs :
    Asak Mufti sahab !
    Can you please reply to following questions:
    1. For Salatul Ishraq (Al duha), does a person has to stay awake after Fajr Salat? And until what time can we perform Salatul Ishraq?

    2. What time window can Salatul Chast be performed? Is it 10 am – 12 noon?

    3. Can a person perform Salatul Tahajjud after witr in Isha if it is difficult to wake up in the last part of night?

    Ans :
    Assalamualaikum !

    In regards to your questions, plz find the following details:

    Ishraaq Prayer :
    Ishraaq prayer is two Rakaat

    Starting Time:
    It is Right after sun rise

    It is Narrated by Syedna Anas rt, Holy Prophet peace be upon him said, whosoever pray Fajar with Jamaat and then sits on its spot until sun rises, and then pray two rakaat prayer, he will get a sawaab (blessings) of one complete Hajj and Umrah.
    (Reported in Tirmidhi)

    Chaasht (Zuha) Prayer :
    Minimum are two Rakaat and Maximum are twelve Rakaat.

    Starting Time:
    When sun level rises high, and sun shine becomes more clearer and visible. That is the starting time of Chaast prayer.

    Best Time to Pray:
    When sun rises and it reaches in the middle time (means, between its rising time and start of Zuhr prayer time), that is considered the best time for this prayer.

    Note: (You can check this time schedule as per your local prayer time calendar and it’s calculation)

    Remember! We all must pray it either its two Rakaat or four or eight or even twelve Rakaat, this Chaast praye at that time. There are many more Ahadith, which talks about the importance of this prayer. But I will share / explain only few.

    -According to a Hadith of Prophet peace be upon him, whosever Prayed four rakaat chaasht prayer, a palace in Jannah will be build for him.
    (Reported in Tabraani)

    -Another Hadith says, whosever prays tweleve rakaat of Zuha (Chaasht) prayer, Allah swt builds one palace for him in Hannah made of Gold.
    (Reported in Tirmidhi)

    -Abu Hurairah rt narrates, my beloved (Holy Prophet peace be upon him) adviced me about three things.

    Firstly, I must fast three days in every month,

    Secondly, offer two Rakaat Chaast (Zuha) prayer and

    Thirdly, offer your witr prayer before you go to sleep.
    (Reported in Bukhari & Muslim)

    And In regards to your last question,

    You can and you must pray salatul witr right after Isha, especially, when you have any doubt that you won’t be able to wake up for Tahajjud (salatul Lail) prayer.

    Hope that answer all your questions.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  23. Qs :
    Assalaam o alaikum. I know the virtues of praying with jammat in masjid. However is it sinful to pray individually at home if a person mostly prays at home individually except for jumma. I also heard that praying with Jammat is sunnat e moqadda and so if a person does not omit completely and prays sometimes in masjid.. that should be fine. Please help us understand. Jazakallah

    Ans :
    Walaikumus Salam !

    Just to share that Offering Salat with Jamaat is Sunnat-e-Muaqqidah. But According to a large group of Islamic Fuqahah, Jamaat, it is Wajib.

    In Short, It must not be skipped except with a valid reason like sickness, traveling etc.

    Our Prophet alaihis salam has shared a lot of Waeed for those, who skip their Jamaat prayer. There are many Ahadith, which talks about the Fazeelat of Jamaat (congregational) prayer.

    Holy Qura’an also talks about it. It has a lot of virtues.

    Here are few Ahadith relates to the Fazaiel of Jamaat prayer.

    – it is Narrated by Abdullah bin Umer rt that Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi wasallam said, Jamaat Prayer is 27 times more virtous than the individual’s salat.

    – it is Narrated by Usman rt, that Prophet peace be upon him said, one who offers Isha with Jamaat, he will get a reward of Ibadan for half of night. And one, who offers Isha and Fajar with Jamaat will get the reward of whole night of Ibadah.

    -Abu Hurairah rt narrates, Holy Prophet peace be upon him said, it came in my heart to instruct some one for collecting woods, and then pass instruction for calling Azaan and then ask some one to lead the prayer and I go by myself to the houses of those, who do not come for Jamaat prayer and then burn their houses.

    -it is Narrated by ibn Masood rt that Rasulullah sallalahu alaihi wasallam said, if I would not think about the little children and women in the houses, then, I would have engaged myself in Isha prayer and would have instructed my Khuddam to burn those people alive along with their all wealth, houses and all other assets, those who do not come for Jamaat prayers.
    (Reported in Muslim)

    There are many other Ahadith similar to those, which shows the great importance and value of Jamaat prayer in Islam and also the Waeed for those, who do not come for Jamaat.

    I am sure, these Ahadith are sufficient enough for us to realize the value and Importance of our Jamaat prayer in the sight of Allah and His Prophet peace be upon him.

    Besides, As per your question, it is never recommended by any scholar in the history of Islam, who suggests or Even pass this opinion that praying alone at home on routine and continuous basis is acceptable in Islam. It is never recommended, though it is still allowed from Shari’ah perspective.

    Hope that answers your question.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


  24. Qs:
    Assalamualaikum –
    Is it allowed for one person to give iqamah and start the fard prayer as imam, if he is the only one in the masjid?
    And for people coming in late to join him in the prayer?
    Lastly, what if this one person starts the prayer by himself before the time of iqamah listed by the masjid.. should we still join him or wait for him to finish prayer and then have the regular jammat?
    This has happened a few times in the masjid and knowing the ruling on this would be very beneficial inshaAllah. Jazakallah khair.


    Walaikumus Salam !

    In regard to your question, Yes it is allowed for a person to start the prayer by himself as an Individual. And then, If some other person comes and joins him as a followers and the Imam makes intention of start leading Jamaat prayer now, while offering his Individual salaat without breaking his salaat. And in the same way, while leading, he completes the rest of the salat. It is allowed from Shari ah perspective.

    Now in regards to praying or making Jamaat in Masjid before the announced and set time of Masjid, it is against the attiqates of Jamaat rulings.

    It shud be based on the comfort of every one coming in Masjid as per the understanding of set prayer time.

    People can’t have their own prayer / jamaat starting time as per their desire and wish. And they completely ignore the Masjid announcements and its set time.

    That individual’s Prayer would be valid but it must be avoided and keep the comfort of others, coming to Masjid for Jamaat. People shud not follow him in leading his own Jamaat time as a routine.

    Hope that answers your questions.

    واللہ تعالی اعلم


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